Information Overload

I thoroughly enjoy uni, this page is going to be dedicated to all the stuff i get up to whilst I am here, and hopefully see where my future leads!


Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Woman dressed as Man dressed as Woman.

I adore Rihanna's costume in the "Who's That Chick" video. I think this may too be an inspiration for the costume.

Yes, it's going to be fantastic... hopefully.

My 22nd birthday looms, only 13 days away.
On a positive side I was in Glasgow town centre today, wee trip to mandors and have got some lovely fabric to create a fabulous Pricilla Queen of the Desert inspired costume. Lots of colour, latex and sequins. Beautifully tacky. I am going to be trashy as I venture forth into adulthood.

The colour in this picture is fantastic, I thoroughly enjoy this musical. wee trip to london is definately on the cards.

Here is hoping I get my coursework done in time to finnish the costume. rxx

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